We went to the lights at Temple Square last weekend. We thought Cambri was going to love it since she gets excited about any kind of Christmas light. But instead Cambri decided to be her crazy 2 year old self and showed zero emotion the whole time we were there. The girl keeps me guessing and has proved that I have yet to figure out the mind of a two year old.
Christmas has been very fun this year. Cambri isn't a huge fan of the big man in the red suit but she likes the idea that he will be bringing her presents. Everyday she comes up with a new toy she wants and says, "Santa bring me strawberry shortcake/dora/thomas the train, etc. Is that a good idea?" Nate and I had a blast buying presents for her and had to hold back from buying every toy in the store. I think we might be more excited about Christmas morning than she is.
Last night after putting Cambri in bed Nate and I left the kiddos with Grandma and Grandpa Rencher and headed to the gym to play a little game of Horse (which I beat him 3-0) and sit in the hot tub. When we came home we found Cambri sitting by the Christmas tree playing with the presents. She had climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs without being heard. Luckily she only opened the present she is giving to Sadie and was playing with a Sponge Bob box that wasn't wrapped. She had also peed on the floor. The poor girl had the guiltiest look on her face when Nate found her. She just looked at him with wide eyes and waved. It is hard to get mad when she is just so darn cute.