Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cam's Curls

From my last post there were a few people who commented about Cambri's hair. It is true she finally has some! It may not be thick and luscious, but it is cute. And yes it is curly. I love it. She even has a pretty red tint. I tried to get a picture of her smiling...virtually impossible. She knows what a camera is and she won't smile for it. So here is what I have to show her curls... She is pretty good at looking innocent.
Reading books...her very favorite pasttime.

This girl is ALL GIRL! We play house with her Little People and with her babies all day.
Love you!


Nikki said...

The curls were worth the wait! She is the perfect mix of you two.

Angela and Jim said...

Those are such cute pictures! Girls are so much fun.