Monday, May 2, 2011

I am happy to report...

1. I will no longer be posting picture-less posts as of this Wednesday because I ordered a cord for my camera and will be able to transfer my pictures to the computer.

2. My little Sadie Bug is sleeping on average 12 hours at night and only waking up once to eat.

3. I will have my husband back in 2 weeks. I am more than excited. I did the single mommy thing a lot this summer but I only had one rascal to watch. Doing it with 2 has been hard. Especially when it comes to getting us all ready for church on time. Last Sunday I left the baby monitor upstairs so my parents heard all my struggles. My Dad came down and saved me by taking Cambri and playing blocks with her until I was ready. If it wasn't for that I probably would have had a breakdown and crawled back in bed:)

4. We are under contract for a home and SLOWLY making progress on the loan application. Word of advice...Don't try to buy a home when your husband is in South Africa. Especially when you aren't smart enough to get power of attorney to sign for him. Lesson learned.

5. We leave for Hawaii in 29 days!!!! Oh how I am ready for the break.

6. I ate way too many chocolate chip cookies today. I am not happy to report that, but as I type I am feeling sick and thought I should confess my sin. I am proud to say that I didn't cave to the temptation to grab a diet cherry pepsi today.

7. And last, I have been able to talk to Nate more than I thought I would which has calmed my anxiety. Technology is wonderful and I am grateful I haven't had to go the whole month without hearing from him.

Lots of pictures to come soon!!!


Ashley said...

Yea for Hawaii in 29 days! Or is it 28 now??? I'm so glad you're still staying with family - and yea for your dad coming down to help - Sunday's are the worst for some reason when it comes to getting ready in time.

I can't even imagine how stressful the whole house game would be on your own - you're a trooper. And TOTALLY deserve a Hawaiian vacay ;) For real though. Nate needs to spoil you.

AND: I'm in Roy tomorrow and Thursday - how far away are your folks??? It'd be so fun to see you!!

Billy and Nathalie said...

I don't know what I'd be more excited about... Those are all very good news!