In order to go on a few dates a month Nate and I have joined up with some of our friends to share babysitting nights. We end up babysitting once a month and get two date nights out of it. It is pretty crazy since the babies are all about 6 weeks apart. We only babysit for two hours and let me tell you it has made me appreciate those with twins and triplets. But the date nights are much appreciated. We do love our little Cambri but it is nice to be able to give my full attention to my hubby. And it is nice to have his full attention.
And yes Cambri is only 6 weeks older than little George. George just went in for his 4 month check and he is under the 20% in both height and weight. And his head is in the 6%. Then there is Cambri who is in the 90% for height and weight. Not sure about her head but pretty sure it is huge. This picture just emphasizes their size difference.
Such a good idea!!! No one here has kids so it wouldn't work for us. So Cambri is sitting up by herself? There are days where I think Jake is going to any day but other days where I feel he won't ever! I think its uncomfortable for him cause of his rolly-polly belly!
I'm so glad you guys decided to create a little group. We have loved ours.
What a great idea! We were just wondering how we could make date night work once our little babe arrives.
I am glad you and Nate get some time alone together that is very importat! Cambri is soo cute. She will probably outgrow Bailey soon!
Way cute pictures! Thanks for letting Evan pound on your piano! He loves doing that at home. He looks like he had fun- hopefully he wasn't too naughty!
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