Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year, A New Me...

I will be making some goals for 2012. I need to get my act together, get organized, stop spending money, and finish about 213 projects around the house.

It is a little overwhelming, but it must be done. At night I lay in bed, completely exhausted but unable to sleep because my never ending to-do list looms over me. But no more! 2012 will be different.

I promise to share any progress I make. Because I am sure you are all dying to know:)

One of my goals is to make my home more Christ centered. I want to make the scriptures come alive for my children, even at a young age. I am not sure yet how to accomplish this goal so if you have any ideas or tips please share!!!

Some quotes to keep me motivated-

"Breath in inspiration and trust yourself. The answer is YES YOU CAN!" ~unknown

"When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place" ~President Ezra Taft Benson

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

~Abraham Lincoln


Diana Caffee said...

We did the best thing for our kids this past year. Instead of trying to read the scriptures every night as a family, we pulled out the gospel art kit and told them the story that went with each picture. Sometimes we would read the actual verses on the back of the picture, but they responded best to when we told them the story in our own words. It has worked great. We stayed on a steady schedule until about September. I agree, 2012 is gonna be great!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Good luck with all the projects!! Great quotes.