Saturday, December 13, 2008

I tried... be a good citizen that is. I decided that I wanted to do some sort of volunteer work this Christmas to help me get into the real spirit of things. So I did a google search and found an opportunity to work at the gift wrap station at the mall where all proceeds would go to the Children's Cancer Program. I totally love wrapping gifts so this sounded fun. This particular group provides summer camps and such to help kids with cancer feel like normal kids. Definitely a worthy cause worth giving my time to. Anyway, I email the coordinator only to find out that all the shifts were taken but there would be other opportunities to volunteer if I was interested. A few days later I receive another email that a shift has opened on Friday night from 4-10pm...yes that is 6 hours of wrapping presents. I did say that I love wrapping presents but I thought it would be a 2 hour gig. I mean I want to be a good citizen but 6 hours seemed a little extreme. I agreed to help out with the shift. So last night I make the trek to the mall to start the present wrapping marathon. There are 2 other girls that I will be working with. We get the quick run down on how everything works. Seems easy so we get geared up to wrap presents and we wait for the first costumer. We wait a little longer. We wait some more. Okay it has now been and hour or so and we have yet to wrap a present. By this point we are all trying to make small chit chat. Definitely the kind that has little to do about nothing, but it is awkward to just sit and stare at each other. And finally our first costumer! Bummer it was only one present and I wasn't the one to wrap it. So we wait some more. Yeah more costumers! Nope, they just want to know where the nearest restroom is. A little while later, we have two guys bring all of their Christmas shopping which provided about 3 presents for all of us. Not bad. This was around 5:45pm. The excitement was over by 5:55pm. Wow, really, 4 more hours of this.

At this point I decide to use my sick baby as an excuse, asking the other girls if they would be ok if I took off at 8 so I can go home and see how she is doing. Cambri really is sick, but Nate was doing just fine watching her, but seriously I couldn't take it anymore. I left at 8, stopped at the Gap to buy some cute gifts, and headed home to hang out with my family.

Maybe next year it will be better.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

That is wonderful to you proactive and found a way to serve! Way to go.