Friday, July 18, 2008

Worst Mom award...I win:(

On Tuesday morning I had to go somewhere for a few hours so I hurried and made a formula bottle with some of the liquid formula and headed out the door leaving Nate to feed the baby. Too bad I didn't pay attention to the big bold words- Must add water. That is right, I fed my 6 week old daughter a bottle of formula concentrate that was supposed to be mixed with water at a 1:1 ratio. This unfortunate event has made Cambri soooooooooooooooooooooo gassy and constipated (not to mention that 3/4 of what she did eat came back up projectile vomit style). The poor little thing has to grunt and push with all her might to pass the gas bubbles that are attacking her little belly. And lets just say she hasn't been very regular these last few days. It is bad enough that she doesn't sleep that well. I basically feel like the meanest mom in the world. Luckily she won't ever remember. I am sure I will do plenty of things later on that will win me this same award.

1 comment:

~Amber jo~ said...

since i'm such an experienced baby person ;) i know that mistakes happen all the time. don't be too hard on yourself.