Tuesday, December 8, 2009

18 months and so grown up...

My baby is not much of a baby anymore. It is hard to believe it has already been 18 months since this little girl made me a momma. Just wish she would stop growing up so fast on me.
Everyday she becomes a little more girly. She loves ribbons, necklaces and things that sparkle. She also has herself a very girly scream that she uses anytime she doesn't get what she wants.
Here are some pictures I took of her today that I think make her look so grown up...
This one especially makes her look like a big girl. I know being her mom I have to think she is cute and perfect, but I think this picture is just precious. Not sure how Nate and I created something so beautiful.

My studious little girl.
I do love being her mom.


Anonymous said...

Can you send me your address so that I can send you and Nate a Chrsitmas card? My email is erin.ricks@gmail.com. Thanks so much and your little girls is SO darling!

The Robinson Bunch said...

oh my goodness she is just so precious!!! what a doll!!! I love that picture at the end!...wow I cant believe she is 18 mos. already...our babies grow up so fast dont they?...I bet your already getting the questions to add more to the fam. huh?

Lyndzee said...

She is so adorable, I think she looks just like you. They do grow up way to fast. Are you and nate coming home for christmas?

Brandon and Jenn said...

She is adorable...love the outfit! Still waiting for your new address btw...

Matt and Erin said...

She is so big...and so cute! You and Nate did well! :)

Diana said...

She is such a pretty girl! She looks just like her Mommy. I wish I could see you this year. We are staying in MD for the holidays. We were just in UT too much over the summer this year. I wish we lived closer too. If you get a chance will you email me your address so I can send you a christmas card? Love you!

Jen and Ty said...

She is beyond cute! I really wish we lived close and that Cambri and Thatcher could be friends. I have a feeling he would go crazy for her! I tried emailing you last week asking for your address, but I am not sure I have your current email. Could you email me your address at jennifergailmartin@gmail.com? I would love to send you a Christmas card!