First things first, we survived our LONG 5 weeks away from eachother!!! We still have many more lonely weeks but at least our little family gets to spend the weekend together. Yesterday Cambri and I drove to York, PA (a little 6 hour drive from Sandusky) to see Nate. Cams was so excited to see her daddy and has been loving every minute. I of course am loving my time with him too. Our time away has definitely renewed my appreciation and love for him. Luckily in 3 more weeks he will be moving to a rotation site that is only an hour away from us.
Last week my cousin took some pictures for me to document this pregnancy and get a few shots of Cams. She did a fantastic job and I couldn't be happier with the way they turned out. Thanks Misha! If you want her contact info let me know.
Here are a few of my favorites:

Now for our summer update in no particular order:
(basically it is a tribute to Cambri who has been my permanent shadow for the last month)
Nate's Bday was last month. We didn't really get to do much celebrating since it was the day he took step 2 of his Boards and then drove 10 hours thru the night by himself back to Ohio. The poor kid forgot it was his birthday so when he checked his phone on his lunch break during the test and saw that everyone in his family had called he thought for sure something bad had happened. We hope to make up for this lame bday when he is done with his cray schedule. I did get a chance to make him a cake. I think it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself:)-

It has no meaning behind it. It just looked like a fun cake to make. Happy late Birthday to Nate!
I have been on a sewing kick lately and was able to sneak in making a cute skirt for Cams while at home. Here is a nice rear view for you since she runs from cameras evertime I pull one out.
My little thief trying to sneak a sucker from the gas station. We were picking up Subway for lunch and while we were waiting I found her inching ever so slowly to the candy isle. She kept telling me to stay put and that she would be "right back momma". Little devil:). She loves treats way more than she should.
Once I made the first few snips I realized how cute it was going to be and I was happy to see the mullet go.
It has no meaning behind it. It just looked like a fun cake to make. Happy late Birthday to Nate!
The day finally came to give Cambri her first real haircut.
I was sad to see her curls go (especially since it took so long to grow them) but she was growing a mullet and I promised myself I wouldn't do that to her long before she had hair. It took lots of Dora fruit snack and cartoons to hold still. She can be such a little stink bug:)
Here are my attempts at trying...
(I snuck this one right before she closed the pantry door on me)
and trying...

and trying...

She may not have been blessed with a full head of hair but she sure has come a long way in the last year.
This one is for my sis-in-law. Her little guy Spencer is probably one of the best babies I have ever known. He put up with lots of love/torture from Cambri. He smiles at you every time you look at him and it makes you want to attack him with hugs and kisses.
I just thought this one was cute. After creating her artwork she was more than happy to pose for this picture. 
Just another attempt to take a picture of the little stink. This was before the haircut. You can kind of see the mullet.
Both Grandmas fed this little girl's new found Dora obbession. Dora dolls, bags, books, treats, movies....Dora is her new best friend.

Cambri has a new phrase that she uses ALL the the time, "no, Cambri do it". Here she is washing her own dishes. And yes we hang out in our underwear a lot at our house:)

How could I resist this cute little lady bug. I am super excited about dressing up for Halloween this year.
This is one of the things I miss most about Iowa (besides all my fantastic friends). I don't think these exsist in Utah because they would apply to 90% of the population. And unfortunately I haven't see them in Ohio either. But I took advantage of them during our week in Des Moines.
and trying...
and trying...
to get a decent front view of the new 'do'.
Here is a picture taken of Cams back in September of last year.
She may not have been blessed with a full head of hair but she sure has come a long way in the last year.
Just another attempt to take a picture of the little stink. This was before the haircut. You can kind of see the mullet.
Cambri has a new phrase that she uses ALL the the time, "no, Cambri do it". Here she is washing her own dishes. And yes we hang out in our underwear a lot at our house:)
How could I resist this cute little lady bug. I am super excited about dressing up for Halloween this year.
Obviously this little one has been the star of the show for the last 2 years. I sure hope she is ready to share the spot light. Ready or not the time is nearing. We are down to the last 7 weeks...CRAZY! I am getting anxious but at the same time loving the time I have had one on one with my Cam. I have my days when I feel sad that those days are numbered, but I know baby sister will be a blessing and I can't wait to meet her.
One last picture...
The blogging will be scarce over the next few months since Nate has our only computer with him, but I promise to keep you updated when baby #2 makes her appearance.
If you made it to the end of this long entry you are a good friend:).