We are very grateful for the continuous entertainment that little Cams provides us everyday. Here are a few fun moments we have been enjoying...
Cam started gymnastics about a month ago. (It is probably one of the only times in her life she is going to be able to do gymnastics since she seems to have giant genes from her dad.) Pretty much the class time consists of all the little kids running around and doing whatever they want. But once Cami saw all the big girls doing their tricks she has wanted to try them all. Here she is in all her glory-
We are struggling with finding a timeout spot that works. Cam seems to think timeout is fun. I sit her in the corner and she looks at me like- what do we do now? If I leave her there she just sits quietly until I come to get her. The last few times she got put in timeout because she kept throwing food and hitting her cup out of my hand so her drink spilled. I explained to her that we don't spill our juice and put her in timeout. Now everytime we eat she says, "Juice, Sorry". She then asks to get down and she runs to her timeout spot. It is hard not to laugh at the cute little thing.
A few more fun things...
Lots of tantrums:)!!!
Power Struggles!!!
Pooping in the bathtub!!!
Yes, never a dull moment.
Luckily she gives the best hugs and kisses.
Oh baby, I am right there with you. It's comforting to know others live the same life I do. Talmage has to sit on the step. Our trick is getting him to stay. The "sorry mom" melts my heart every time. He figured that out too soon and was saying it multiple times on the way to the step. Too cute and too smart.
cutest gymnast EVER!
I would have a hard time not cracking up at her cuteness, even when she's in trouble =)
Sounds fun!! I love the gymnastics. We have a naughty chair that is just Gracie's size that seems to work really well for time out. I've found that if you stick around and really enforce the time out that they start to stay better. I didn't do very well with that in the beginning with Gracie.I'm hoping that it will work better this time around and that Gunner may take me seriously when I tell him he needs to go to time out.
Oh man you do have your hands full! Good thing she is so cute!!! Lifting weights, gymnastics? Sounds like she will be just like her mommy!
How fun having this sweet little innocent doll.Tell her grammy thinks she is wonderful. hugs and kisses to Cami
I remember the laughing during time out phase. Now he call me names....but at least its working. :) Ben and I are finally back here in good old OHio so yes we will have to get together! My parents are coming out for 2 weeks when I have baby in the next month, and also Ben (my bro) is marrying a girl from Toledo so they will be out here for that too...anyways so we'd love to see you guys sometime! We haven't made a trip out to Sandusky yet so maybe soon if this snow stops! :) Talk to you guys later -Al
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