I think it is only time before Cam decides she can pick out her own outfits and my days of dressing her are over. Right now her obsession is shoes. She will line up every shoe and then pick out the ones she want to wear. It doesn't matter if it is the wrong foot, I have to put on the one she wants.
Oh, and she will not leave her socks on ever. In the car she always has her shoes and socks off by the time we get to where we are going. And she is so proud of herself when she does it.
In this picture we were on our way to teach a class at the gym. She found these goggles in the coat closet and insisted on wearing them. And yes she wore them everywhere we went that day. My favorite part was how cute she thought she was.
Just another pic of her shoe obsession. She loves wearing hats too. When she plays with her friend George she often insists that he has a hat on too.
There is no doubt that this little girl has quite the personality. And I am loving everything about it!